Wednesday, 17 December 2014

All Donations Make a Difference..!

Yes, it's that time of year again...
.....when the thoughts of the Dart Music Festival committee turn to financing and fundraising for the next Festival, which previously has cost £55,000+ to put on but which with today’s constantly rising prices may cost even more for 2015.

We’re sure that everyone realises by now that the Festival is self-funded and that although our policy is ‘Free Music For All’ that doesn’t mean that any of the services, equipment and most importantly musicians are free – which is why we depend so heavily on the generosity of local businesses and residents who have so very kindly sponsored us in the past.

The Festival is eighteen next year – yes, honestly! - and it is no exaggeration to say that it really couldn’t happen without our valued sponsors. Indeed any donation – large or small – really does help, and we do realise how lucky we are to have such brilliant support from all the people who help to ensure that we can go ahead with the Festival again.


Probably the greatest benefit of becoming a sponsor must surely be the feel-good factor - to be able to look around at all the happy people enjoying the artists enjoying what they love to do – which is to play their music for the people – and realise that you helped to make it all possible. There are many other benefits too, of course, depending upon the level of sponsorship - please see below:


PLATINUM £500+ - Logo and link on DMF website; invitation to exclusive Sponsors’ River Cruise and also Sponsors’ Private Party; Free programme and 2015 Sponsors’ badge; Logo on back page of programme; banner in Royal Avenue Gardens; window certificate for relevant businesses.

GOLD £150+ - Listing in DMF programme; listing and link on DMF website.; invitation to exclusive Sponsors’ River Cruise and also Sponsors’ Private Party; Free programme and 2015 Sponsors’ badge; window certificate for relevant businesses.

SILVER £50+ - Listing in DMF programme; listing on DMF website; invitation to Sponsors’ Private Party; Free programme and 2015 Sponsors’ badge; window certificate for relevant businesses.

BRONZE up to £50 - Free programme and 2015 Sponsors’ badge; window certificate for relevant businesses.


The DMF Sponsorship Team will be out and about soon and will be contacting our existing sponsors with a view to helping fund the next Festival, so if you are interested in becoming a 2015 sponsor please contact the DMF Sponsorship Secretary at Ivy Cottage, Ivy Lane, Dartmouth TQ6 9QD or e mail: – she will be happy to give you further details.

Huge thanks - as always - for your generous support. Remember - all donations really DO make a difference! Couldn't do it without you...

 15th, 16th & 17th May 2015