Tuesday, 3 April 2012

EEEK! It's gaining on us...

Only thirty six more days to the Festival - EEEK! We (the DMF team) had our penultimate committee meeting last night and realised that the Festival is gaining on us. 'Never has so much been done for so many by so few' as the saying goes, and there is still plenty to do between now and May 11th to ensure all goes smoothly but we're getting there. The programme is being printed as I write and with any luck it may be ready by Easter - we're keeping our fingers, toes and everything else crossed but if not it should be out by the end of next week at the very latest.

Our merchandise ladies - Melanie and Kim - have been busy organising this year's goodies and the new T shirts are just about to be printed with some different styles and colours so we're all quite excited about that and can't wait to see them. Keep an eye open for more details here in a few weeks.

Sue Higgs, our Collections Co-ordinator, has ordered the collection tins and is planning to meet with our fantastic team of volunteer collectors later this month. Which brings me to the next point - we are always grateful for extra help during the festival as there simply aren't enough of us to go round! We'll need help with collecting, performers' car parking, 'runners' to  flit between venues, putting out and clearing away chairs, clearing up rubbish and much much more. If you are interested please contact Alan (Vice Chairman) on 07920 053580 and he'll point you in the right direction. I know it's been said before but we really couldn't do it without our lovely volunteers so if you'd like to be involved (and help save our sanity!) please let us know. 

Last but definitely not least, if you are on our list of performers and would like to be a guest blogger we'd love to hear from you - just let us know by putting a comment on the blog so I can contact you, and I'll do my best to help.

Well, much as I'd love to stay and chat I have to go now - got to get those meeting minutes typed up pronto so I'll sign off here but will be back with more news very soon. Enjoy the sunshine...

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