Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Ji Liu's Debut Album a Huge Success..!

Ji Liu

We've just heard that classical pianist Ji Liu's debut album 'Piano Reflections' is proving to be a huge hit - in fact we have it on good authority that the enormous success of the Classic FM CD has completely taken him by surprise!

The album was No.1 in the charts for several weeks and was also John Suchet’s Album of the Week in January. For more information, please read on...

RZWESKI: Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues from North American Ballads   8’

BEETHOVEN: Sonata in C sharp minor, Op.27 No.2 Moonlight   15’

-          Adagio sostenuto

-          Allegretto

-          Presto agitato

GERSHWIN/EARL WILD: 3 Virtuoso Etudes: Man I Love, Embraceable You and I Got Rhythm  7’

BUSONI: Sonatina No.6 Carmen Fantasy   10’

SAINT-SAENS: Danse macabre   8’

The Beethoven Moonlight Sonata and the Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre are both on his Classic FM CD, and the opening work remains the same. Here is the link


'There was much to impress in Ji Liu’s fearless glissandos and a saturnine lyricism that attracted supernatural suggestion…. Ji Liu remained as cool as a cucumber as his fingers played with fire….this was a fine performance of a masterpiece and established Ji Liu as one to watch.' - / Queen Elizabeth Hall / Liszt’s Totentanz / January 2014

'Ji Liu displayed an amazing sum of talent and maturity for his seemingly young age.  Ji belongs to this breed of pianists that need not to put up a flamboyant physical show to distract the audience. Solely hands were at work to let the music do the talking.' - / Barbican / Rachmaninov No.2 / February 2014

'It was fitting that the concert series went out on a high with a recital by pianist Ji Liu.  With a mixed programme of well-known piano standards and a few lesser known works he demonstrated skills beyond his 22 years….he performed with extraordinary concentration and understanding.' -
This is South Wales / Gower Festival / July 2013

'Ji Liu, had his audience experiencing a whole range of emotions….The Beethoven ‘Moonlight’, Chopin Nocturnes and the Prokofiev Sonata No.7 were all despatched with consummate control.' -
*****The / Brighton Festival / May 2013

'In Rhapsody in Blue….pianist Ji Liu finds comedy and tenderness.'-
Gramophone / Royal Academy of Music RAM042 / September 2012

 Personally, we can't believe our luck in having such a talented young man play for us this year!
 To make sure you don't miss Ji's performance please see your DMF Programme for full details.

 Because listening to music at Dart Music Festival is FREE - but running it is not! - we have to charge for the Programme. 

The sales revenue is VITAL to the continuation of the Festival - thank you for understanding.

 16th, 17th & 18th May 2014

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